
Advanced RSiena Workshop

From 24th to 27th October 2017, the Advanced RSiena and Relational Event Models workshop was held as a continuation of the previous week's basic course. The leaders of the workshop were Christoph Stadtfeld, Timon Elmer and Zsófia Boda, all from ETH Zürich's researchers and James Hollway from Geneva University. The first half of the course was aimed to upgrade users of Stochastic Actor Oriented Models (SAOMs) with cutting-edge knowledge in the RSiena environment. Topics included but not exclusively focus on multilevel modeling of network dynamics using multilevel Siena, and Bayesian estimation using sienaBayes. It was expected that users bring their own dataset or alternatively, they could freely use the RECENS school network panel during the course.

The second half of the course offered an introduction to the statistical analysis of relational events. Course participants were among the first ones after the EUSN conference in Mainz to get to know the Goldfish package in R for estimating Dynamic Network Actor Models (DyNAM). The Goldfish package in R allows the study of time-stamped network data using a variety of models. In particular, it implements different types of Dynamic Network Actor Models (DyNAMs), a class of models that is tailored to the study of actor-oriented network processess through time. Goldfish also implements different versions of the tie-oriented Relational Event Model by Carter Butts.

Network Analysis with RSiena Basic Course

Between 13th and 17th October 2017 , the course "Network Analysis with RSiena" organized by our Research Group was held under the Training Program of Centre for Social Sciences . The purpose of the basic course was to provide insights into the static and dynamic analysis methods of social networks and their practical application in the R statistical environment, and to enable participants to use the analytical methods presented during their own work. The introductory week was a basis for the next week's advanced RSiena analysis methods course. Besides the theoretical introduction of Károly Takács, Anikó Havelda, Dorottya Kisfalusi and Samu Flóra were attending classes for the participants.

The book Understanding Interactions in Complex Systems is available in print from Cambridge Scholars Publishing, including a contribution by Simone Righi and Károly Takács

The book Understanding Interactions in Complex Systems is available in print from Cambridge Scholars Publishing, including a contribution by Simone Righi and Károly Takács

The book Understanding Interactions in Complex Systems: Toward a Science of Interaction is out on 1 August, 2017 from Cambridge Scholars Publishing, including a chapter by our members, Simone Righi and Károly Takács with the title Parallel versus Sequential Update and the Evolution of Cooperation with the Assistance of Emotional Strategies.
Righi, S. and Takács, K. 2017. Parallel versus Sequential Update and the Evolution of Cooperation with the Assistance of Emotional Strategies. In: Cordier, S., Ertur, C., Debarsy, N., Lucas, D., Nemo, F., Poisson, G., and Vrain, C. (eds.): Understanding Interactions in Complex Systems: Toward a Science of Interaction, Cambridge Scholars Publishing.

The paper of Simone Righi and Károly Takács has been published in the Proceedings of ECMS

The paper of Simone Righi and Károly Takács has been published in the Proceedings of ECMS

The paper of Simone Righi and Károly Takács has been published in the Proceedings of ECMS

Righi S., Takacs K. 2017. Blind vs. embedded indirect reciprocity and the evolution of cooperation. In: Zoltay Paprika, Z.; Horák, P.; Váradi, K.; Zwierczyk, P. T.; Vidovics-Dancs, Á., and Rádics, J. P. (eds.): Proceedings of European Conference on Modelling and Simulations 2017 (ISBN: 978-0-9932440-4-9).