Best Student Paper Award 2015 of the INSNA

Bálint Néray and Zsófia Boda's article has won the INSNA (International Network for Social Network Analysis) Best Student Paper Award.
Congratulations to them!
Bálint Néray and Zsófia Boda's article has won the INSNA (International Network for Social Network Analysis) Best Student Paper Award.
Congratulations to them!
Zsuzsanna Szvetelszky has joined RECENS from 1st of July.
Our team has a new member.
Eliza Bodor-Eranus has received the postdoctoral fellowship of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences and joins RECENS from 1 September 2015. Congratulations!
RECENS PhD Calls 2015
Full time PhD positsons are opening from September at Doctoral School of Sociology, Corvinus University of Budapest. The deadline of applications is May 30, 2015.
Scholarship information is available at the Corvinus Doctoral School website
Our New Publication: Inter-ethnic friendship and negative ties in secondary school written by Zsófia Boda and Bálint Néray is available online in Social Networks
Laura Pethes had first place on TDK - National Scientific Students’ Associations Conference in Social Sciences section. Congratulations to her!
Great news! Simone Righi’s paper is accepted at the Journal of Economic Interactions and Coordination. Title is: Biondi Y., Righi S. (2015), What does the financial market pricing do? A simulation analysis with a view to systemic volatility, exuberance and vagary, forthcoming
Two members of our research team, Eszter Mandácskó and Barbara Panyik have first place on the National Scientific Students’ Associations Conference in Social Sciences section (Sociology 2nd Group). Congratulations!
We are pleased to welcome the new senior researchers Michal Bojanowski and Gergő Havadi have recently joined our research team.
The ERC published the results of the 2014 ERC Consolidator Grant call. The proposal of Károly Takács with the acronym EVILTONGUE is listed among the winners. Details here.