Bence Ságvári

Bence Ságvári
Download CV Senior Research Fellow (TK Recens)
Research Interests

youth, youth policy, values, technology, information society, big data, social networks, cross-national survey research methods 

Selected Publications

Benczes, R., Benczes, I., Ságvári, B., & Szabó, L. P. (2024). When life is no longer a journey: The effect of the Covid-19 pandemic on the metaphorical conceptualization of life among Hungarian adults – A representative survey. Cognitive Linguistics 2024; 35(1): 143–165.

Máté, Á., Rakovics, Z., Rudas, S., Wallis, L., Ságvári, B., Huszár, Á., & Koltai, J. (2023). Willingness of participation in an application-based digital data collection among different social groups and smartphone user clusters. Sensors 2023, 23(9), 4571;

Ságvári B, Gulyás A, Koltai J. Attitudes Towards Participation in a Passive Data Collection Experiment. Sensors. 2021; 21(18):6085.

BENCZES, R., SÁGVÁRI, B. (2022) Migrants are not welcome. Metaphorical framing of fled people in Hungarian online media, 2015–2018. Journal of Language and Politics 21:3 pp. 413-434. (online first, 16 July 2021)

Ságvári, B., & Messing, V. (2022). Social perceptions and their changes about life course and timing of key life events in Europe. Človek a spoločnosť. Internetový časopis pre pôvodné teoretické a výskumné štúdie z oblasti spoločenských vied, 4(24), 25-38.

MESSING, V., Ságvári, b. (2021) Are Anti-Immigrant Attitudes the Holy Grail of Populists? A Comparative Analysis of Attitudes Towards Immigrants, Values, and Political Populism in Europe. Intersections: East European Journal of Society and Politics, 7(2): Grassroots responses to mass migration in Europe, pp. 100-127.,

Egedy T., & b. Ságvári (2021) Urban Geographical Patterns of the Relationship Between Mobile Communication, Social Networks and Economic Development – The Case of Hungary. Hungarian Geographical Bulletin, 70(2), 129-148.

Ságvári, B; Messing, V. (2021) Social Perceptions and their Changes about Life Course and Timing of Key Life Events in Europe. CLOVEK A SPOLOCNOST 24 : 4 pp. 25-38. , 14 p.

Tóth G., J. Wachs, R. Di Clemente, Á. Jakobi, B. Ságvári, J. Kertész & B. Lengyel (2021) Inequality is rising where social network segregation interacts with urban topology. Nature Communications 12, 1143

MESSING, V., SÁGVÁRI, B., SIMON, D. (2019) Methodological Challenges in Cross-comparative Surveys. The Case of Understanding Attitudes towards Democracy in Hungary. Intersections: East European Journal of Society and Politics,  5(1): Central-East European societies on the map of Europe, pp. 8-26.,

BENCZES, R., SÁGVÁRI,B. (2018) Life is a battlefield: Conceptualizations of life among Hungarian adults. Society & Economy 40(4), pp. 571–586,

BENCZES, R., SÁGVÁRI, B. (2018). Where metaphors really come from: Social factors as contextual influence in Hungarian teenagers’ metaphorical conceptualizations of life. Cognitive Linguistics, 29(1), pp. 121-154.

SÁGVÁRI, B. (2017) The Computational Turn in Social Sciences. Challenges of the New Empiricism in the Age of Big Data. INTERSECTIONS: East European Journal of Society and Politics 3(1) pp. 5-14.

LENGYEL, B., VARGA, A., SÁGVÁRI, B., JAKOBI, Á., KERTÉSZ, J.(2015) Geographies of an online social network: weak distance decay effect and strong spatial modularity. PLoS ONE 10(9): e0137248

Research Projects

“The role of culture and values in economic competitiveness” (2012-2016) OTKA PD- 105354 (principal investigator)

The life cycle of an online social network: Big Data analysis (2015-2017) OTKA K-112713 (principal investigator)

European Social Survey (ESS) (national coordinator)

Youth Policy Review Hungary (2014-2016) lead researcher